- Hawaii Travel Preparation Intake Form
- What is a Hawaii Health Certificate?
- Creating a Hawaii Health Certificate
- Hawaii Neighbor Island Inspection Permit (NIIP) Information Sheet
- What laboratories are approved for the FAVN titer test?
- Which Hawaiian destinations are now available?
- Why are there only 4 destination airport options for arriving to Hawaii?
- Are there any validations tied to dates, like there are with International Health Certificates?
- What are the Entry Programs?
- Why is the only option for Method of Travel 'Airlines'?
- Is the Owner ID Information required?
- Is the Co-Owner or Handler contact information required?
- Is the Co-Owner or Handler ID information required?
- What are Authorized visitors?
- Do the two rabies certificates need to be continuous, or is a gap in time ok?
- When must the tick treatment be administered?
- Why is the FAVN test results upload listed as optional on the Rabies upload step?
- How is travel to Kahului, Kona, and Lihue different from travel to Honolulu?
- Why is Direct Airport Release (DAR) the only entry program for Hawaii neighboring islands?
- What is the Neighbor Island Inspection Permit?
- Where can I find a list of approved inspection clinics for the islands?
- Does the owner have to print the Neighbor Island Inspection Permit (NIIP) before traveling to Hawaii?
- How does the owner receive the Neighbor Island Inspection Permit (NIIP)?
- If the AQS-279 form and rabies certificates are required at least 30 days before arrival in Kahului, Kona, and Lihue, when does the veterinarian need to complete the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)?
- Does the USDA need to endorse the documents?
- Who sends in the document packet to the State of Hawaii and where does it need to be sent to?
- Is there a time limit for when the documents need to be received by the State?
- Is round trip travel (Hawaii to the mainland and back) possible with GlobalVetLink's certificates?
- What if the pet owners is from Honolulu, traveling to the mainland and then traveling back to Honolulu more than 14 days later? Can I use GlobalVetLink?