- I was invited, how do I finish setting up my profile?
- Adding/Updating Your Signature
- Adding State License and National Accreditation Information
- Ensure your National Accreditation Number is up to date
- How can a veterinarian check their accreditation status?
- Are GVL certificates accepted in all states?
- Can I download a form for a health certificate from GVL and then fill it out?
- Errors on Signed Certificates
- Deleting Certificates
- What about authenticity? Can a practitioner change an EIA once it has been resulted by the lab, or an eCVI once it has been signed?
- If I use GVL for EIA Certificates, will I need to take digital pictures of the horse?
- Any suggestions for taking pictures to use with GVL?
- What kind of digital camera do you recommend for taking pictures to use with GVL?
- Are International EIA (Coggins) and Health certificates available via GVL?