Use of GVL’s eEIA system (online Coggins) is approved by USDA for international shipment as proof of a negative EIA test to supplement the USDA international health certificate documentation. International health certificates for dogs and cats are available through the GlobalVetLink platform. International health certificates for other species are not available at this time.
Details of USDA-APHIS approval of the GVL eEIA form related to International travel only. USDA will accept a third party vendor’s version of the VS Form 10-11, “Equine Infectious Anemia ” if the following conditions are met:
Coggins certificate is in hard copy (Owner is carrying a paper copy of their EIA Certificate);
Coggins certificate is completed with the eSignature of the EIA laboratory technician;
Coggins certificate is completed with the eSignature of the USDA Accredited Veterinarian.
All markings and narrative descriptions are included on the electronic EIA certificate
Please contact us regarding any questions on this policy and requirements.