Pay Now FAQs
- What should I do if I am not an account manager, and my account is restricted?
- Why would my account be restricted?
- What happens if my account has been restricted and I successfully make a payment? Will I be able to use GVL immediately?
- Is there a fee for using the Pay Now feature?
- How do I update my payment method if my credit card has expired?
- What should I do if I experience an error while trying to use the Pay Now feature?
Pricing FAQs
- What are the new names for the pricing plans, and what’s changing?
- How do I contact the GVL Customer Support Team?
- What do I do to learn how to use my GlobalVetLink account better?
- What is the advantage of using GlobalVetLink for my health certificates and other compliance documents?
- What benefits do I get through using GlobalVetLink?
- What changes have been made to the platform recently?
User Maintenance
- Finish Setting Up Your User Profile
- How to Add/Update Your Signature
- Adding Users to Your Account
- Adding A User To Your Clinic (Canada)
- Adding Account Managers to Your Account
- Disabling Users on Your Account
Payment & Billing
- How to Make a Payment within our GlobalVetLink Account Following a Failed Payment Attempt
- How to Add ACH as a Payment Method in GlobalVetLink
- How do I update my bank account information for ACH payments?
- What if I want to remove old payment methods?
- Can I add multiple bank accounts for ACH payments?
- Can I switch back to using a credit card or another payment method?