How to Add/Update Your Signature

To add or update your signature on your profile, you must be logged into the GlobalVetLink platform.

1. Once logged in to your account, click on your name in the lower left corner and select Profile.

2. Once in your profile, select 'Edit Profile' at the top right corner of the page.

3. When you click 'Edit Profile, ' your information will populate to the right of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says 'Signature. 

4. You can choose to create your own digital signature by typing in the 'Signature' box, or you can upload an image to use as an e-signature. 

5. If you have a signature already added, you can click the 'Replace' button to get back to the screen in the step above. 

6. Once you have added or updated your signature, hit 'Save' at the bottom of your profile. 


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