Adding A User To Your Clinic (Canada)


Complete an e-signature form:

Here are the forms for each account type -

  1. Obtain the e-signature form from the GVL Customer Success Team or by downloading from the links above.

  2. Print the form and have the new user complete the required information. 

  3. Once the form is completed, email the form to the GVL Customer Success Team: Email:

  4. The Customer Success Team will review the information and create the new user account.

  5. Once the account has been created, the Customer Success Team will contact the clinic via phone or email to let you know the new user has been added.

  6. The user will receive a confirmation email that will allow them to set a password. Once they have created their password, the account is ready to use. 

Note - Email addresses and usernames cannot be used for multiple accounts. Please list a unique email address and username for each user. 

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