Our quarterly data summaries for ADT reporting requirements, a free service for state animal health officials, is now available for download in the GVL platform.
The files are available to SAHOs within a week after the quarter, and the report includes:
A list of veterinarians who have a license record on file for your state in the last quarter;
The number of veterinarians who wrote CVIs in the last quarter;
The number of CVIs for each species covered under ADT in the last quarter.
As a reminder, the federal accreditation numbers are self-reported and, as a common business practice, are not verified as category I or category II accredited. For further information on the category accreditation, please visit the USDA APHIS website.
Required information for ADT reporting: The number of category II accredited veterinarians using eCVIs, the number of eCVIs issued per species covered under ADT, and a listing of the eCVI applications utilized by accredited veterinarians within the State. (See VS Field Operations Grants and Agreements Guide here.)