1. To begin creating an intrastate sale document, click Create in the upper right and select ForSale. This will take you directly to the Create page. The first step is to enter the owner. If the contact is already entered in GVL, click into the box below Owner and type to search for them by name. If you are adding a new contact, click the Add New button, enter information into all of the red highlighted fields, and click Create to save the contact.
2. Next, enter purchaser information. You can select None, Unknown or Specify. If you select Specify, you can select a contact already in your account or enter a new contact.
3. The breeder information will default to same as owner, but you can uncheck the box and create or select a contact as the breeder. The name, city and state is the only information from the breeder section that will show on the certificate.
4. The next step is to enter your animal information. Select the species from the drop-down list. Enter the animal information by searching for an animal or click Add New and enter information into all of the right highlighted fields.
5. After entering the animal information, the next step is to enter the Tests, Vaccinations, and Anthelmintics information. Under Actions, click the + sign to add a new test, vaccination, or anthelmintic. Click the asterisk to enter a non-administered reason.
6. After clicking the + sign to create a test, vaccination, or anthelmintic, enter the information by selecting from the drop-down menus and choosing the dates from the calendar. Click Create to save the information to the certificate.
7. Under tests and vaccinations, you can add combination tests or vaccinations by clicking the + sign on the Combinations or Other line. Choose the combination test or vaccination from the drop-down list and enter the additional information as explained above. Click Create and the tests or vaccinations will be individually added to the certificates.
8. You can also enter multiple non-administered tests, vaccinations, and anthelmintics at a time. After selecting the asterisk, choose the non-administered reason from the drop-down menu and select the options that were not administered and click Save.
9. Once you have enter all the additional information that is necessary, click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will create a draft. You can also choose to Save as Template, if you will be completing multiple ForSale certificates with similar information. If you wish to save a template, you will need to do so before you Commit the document. To complete the document and prepare it for a wet signature, click Commit in the upper right corner. Once you have clicked Commit in the pop-up window, you will be able to download the document will download for printing.
10. Drafts and Recently Committed documents can be accessed from the ForSale tab under Domestic Movement on the left-hand menu.