Definitions for Search within Certificates

Certificate Type

  • Search by All Certs or a specific certificate type

Billing Date Range

  • Dates between which the certificate was completed (a wide date range extending through the current date is recommend)

Also Search By - User has the capability to select another search criteria that includes the following:

Certificate Number

  • Number on the top right hand corner of the certificate. Examples: EIA-123456; 14-IA-123456


  • Species of animal

Origin State

  • State the animal(s) originated

Owner Information

  • First and/or last name of the Owner/Consignor

Issuing Veterinarian

  • First and/or last name of the issuing veterinarian

If a certificate type was chosen, more advanced Search options are available. These include:

Premises ID

  • Premises ID of the origin of the animal(s)

Carrier Information

  • First/last/business name of the carrier of the animal(s)

Origin Information

  • First/last/business name of the origin of the animal(s)

Destination Information

  • First/last/business name of the destination of the animal(s)

Animal/Animal Group Name

  • Name of the animal/animal group

Animal ID

  • Additional IDs of the animal(s)

The results will return all certificates that match the criteria entered. Click on the serial number to access the PDF document. (See system requirements for Adobe Reader information.) 

Tip: The search function is very specific, and filling out just one field in the search fields will most likely return the best results. If you have an uncommon name of owner or the animal, it would be beneficial for the search, rather than a common name which, may pull up multiple results.

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