To meet the growing demand by various states for electronic CVIs, we are introducing a wet-ink signing solution. A wet-ink signature applied in the field allows compliance with state regulations while assisting veterinarians in remote areas with limited or no internet access.
Below are step-by-step instructions for completing a CVI within GlobalVetLink with a ‘wet-ink’ signature.
- Finalize & Print CVI: Create the CVI at the clinic, finalize the CVI, and print it for use on the animal premises.
- Inspect Animals: Take the printed CVI with you to inspect the animals.
- Complete the Printed CVI:
- Apply Changes: If there are changes post-inspection (e.g., animal count), note them directly on the printed CVI.
- Per the State Animal Health Officials, the following fields may not be edited:
- Consignor
- State of destination
- State of origin
- Purpose of movement
- Carrier type
- Species
- Gender
- Age
- Inspection date
- Area status (Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Pseudorabies)
- Herd/flock info (Free for TB, Bruc, PRV, Johnes, Scrapie, NPIP)
- Herd/flock status number
- Per the State Animal Health Officials, the following fields may not be edited:
- Date and Sign: Ensure the printed CVI is dated and wet-signed.
- Take a Photo: Take a picture of the completed, printed CVI to document any changes made.
- Apply Changes: If there are changes post-inspection (e.g., animal count), note them directly on the printed CVI.
- Provide to Owner or Transporter: Hand the signed CVI to the transporter for compliance.
- Reconcile the Electronic CVI:
- Upload a Photo: Upload the photo of the completed, printed CVI to the electronic CVI.
- Make Necessary Edits: Upon returning to the clinic or on your mobile device, log in to GlobalVetLink and update the electronic version of the CVI to reflect any changes made on the printed copy.
- Note: Step 5 must be completed even if there were no changes made during the animal inspection.
- Submit Documentation: Sign the electronic CVI.
- Note: The electronic CVI will be automatically submitted to both the state of origin and destination within 48 hours of finalization. If you do not reconcile the electronic CVI within this timeframe, any changes made to the printed CVI will NOT be reflected on the electronic CVI. State Animal Health Officials will be notified of CVIs that have not been reconciled.
Need a permit number? Here’s what you need to do for the Wet-Ink Signature Workflow:
- Preview & finalize the CVI first.
- Get the permit number from the destination state.
- Handwrite it on your printed CVI in the “Entry Permit Number” box.
- Don’t forget! Add the permit number to the electronic CVI during the reconciliation step.