Becca Haugland
Release Notes - September 14, 2022
The following updates were released on September 14, 2022: Updated the requirements and PDF for Columbia in the International Pet TravelPass Fixed an issue with method of travel for Canada & Mexic...
Is there a time limit for when the documents need to be received by the State?
Yes, if arriving in Honolulu, the Animal Quarantine Station must receive the documents at least 10 days prior to arrival. If arriving to Kahului, Kona, or Lihue, the pet owner is required to submi...
GVL University Overview
Watch a quick overview of the GVL University practice platform:
How often must GlobalVetLink passwords be reset?
Passwords must be reset every 60 days. Users will see a warning upon logging in when there are 10 or fewer days remaining before their password expires. Reminder emails will be sent at 10, 5 a...
What are the rules for passwords for GlobalVetLink accounts?
Passwords must contain: At least 8 characters and fewer than 128 characters Standard numbers and symbols are allowed Passwords cannot contain: Last password User’s name/username/email GVL or ...
What is Enhanced Security?
GlobalVetLink has released a feature to allow veterinary clinics to turn on enhanced security for their clinic’s GlobalVetLink account. This enhanced security includes: Multi-factor authenticati...
Why are there only 4 destination airport options for arriving to Hawaii?
The State Animal Health Official of Hawaii only allows for pets to enter the state via the 4 listed airports. Pets are not allowed to arrive through any others.
Why is the only option for Method of Travel 'Airlines'?
Hawaii only allows for pets to enter the state via air.
What are the Entry Programs?
The entry program that the animal owner selects dictates the requirements, quarantine timelines and fees for the pet to travel. Direct Airport Release (DAR): Qualifying pets will be released at th...
Is the Co-Owner or Handler ID information required?
If the Co-owner of Handler IS traveling with the pet, the ID information will be required. However, the GlobalVetLink platform does not require the veterinarian to add this information. If the vet...