Does GlobalVetLink notify users about travel restrictions during a disease outbreak?
Yes. GVL works with state animal health officials (SAHOs) during disease outbreaks to modify requirements listed in SmartEngine and on, such as inspection timelines or supplementary ...
Is GVL Integrated with Avimark?
Avimark version 2013.0.2 included a GVL Electronic Coggins integration.Although Avimark may still have features or actions lingering in their system, GlobalVetLink and Avimark are not currently con...
Are GVL Health Certificates (CVIs) the same as APHIS 7001 forms?
GVL digital health certificates (CVIs) provide a secure alternative to 7001 forms for domestic travel for all species, as well as International Health Certificates and Hawaiian Health Certificates ...
How to Clear Browser Cache and Cookies
Sometimes our support staff may recommend you clear cache and cookies on your browser when you are running into an issue. We have compiled these instructions for each of our supported browsers belo...
What do I need to know about travel and health documentation pertaining to equine foals?
Travel preparation for a young animal can be confusing when reviewing general state rules and guidelines. With this in mind, GVL encourages you to contact the equine's state of residence and destin...
Does GVL offer GoPass?
GoPass was the initial extended equine health certificate program offered by GlobalVetLink. This digital program is now referred to as EECVIs.Learn more about EECVIs on our website. https://www.glo...
Are there exceptions for military and service animal travel?
Each state and airline may have different requirements for these specific groups. We recommend contacting the destination state officials or USDA for more information.
What does archive mean?
On the recently completed or signed tabs for certain documents (i.e. CVIs and EIAs) you can choose to "Archive" from the Actions menu.Archiving simply means to remove it from the list view; the cer...
Email Completed Certificates
GlobalVetLink provides a convenient way to email completed certificates directly from the platform. If an email is already listed for the owner of the certificate their email address will be auto f...
Do I need to send a copy of my CVI to the origin or destination state animal health offices?
If the origin and/or destination on your CVI is one of the fifty states in the USA, GlobalVetLink automatically shares your CVI with the proper state entities.State officials also have access to re...